
1818 Society British Chapter Contact Details

EmailFirst Appointed
ChairNicki MarrianMay 2015
Deputy ChairStewart HicksMay 2015
TreasurerColin SmithMay 2008
Membership, Staff Retirement Plan              Queries via website
Medical Insurance Plan (MIP)Mick Nightingale2003
Benefits CoordinatorDavid PottenMay 2014
UK TaxMick Nightingale2003
IFC LiaisonMichael JordanMay 2011
Seminars Nicki MarrianMay 2011
Contacts for 1818 Society Washington:(00) 1 202 458 1956/
PO Box 27388
Washington DC 20038-7388
Washington contacts for World Bank Services for Pensioners: 
General enquiries:
World Bank Benefits,
MSN H3-300,
P.O. Box 27290,
Washington D.C. 20038, USA
Life insurance:001.202.473
CIGNA:800.3 2175798Fax. 0032.3 236 75 38
Postbox 69,
2140 Antwerp, Belgium
or 0032.3 217 57 98
Aetna:1.800.723 8897Fax. 1.8888 351 5004
P.O.Box 45292,
Jackson FL 32231, USA
or 202.473 8666or 001.904 351 5009
Action in event of death of WB pensioner/spouse/partner 
Please refer to above contacts and/or the 1818 Society guidebook, Survivors Handbook

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