We are pleased to have David Potten as ‘Benefits Coordinator’ on the British Chapter’s Board.
The Society does not have the resources to provide in-depth advice to individuals but is willing to provide basic information and sign-posting to the types of support services that may be needed when colleagues face health and bereavement problems.
A much praised Guide on Elderly Care was produced in June 2013 by David’s predecessor, the late Evelyn Watson. It provides useful information on options and choices related to the different stages of elderly care and contains links to a variety of websites related to various aspects of care.
This Information was last updated in October 2024, and will be updated again when appropriate. A copy of the Guide is available to download for reference.
click here to download a copy
See also The 1818 Society’s “Handbook for Survivors” dated November 2023.
click here to download a copy
Note: Please send any enquiries to David Potten via the email link under ‘Contacts’ on this website.