Reflections on Today’s Development Challenges – 24 March 2014

Department for International Development, Whitehall, LondonClare Short, Secretary of State for International Development from 1997 to 2003. A prominent member of the Labour Party, she resigned over the Prevention of Terrorism Act in 1988, and again over the Gulf War in 1990, serving the last four years of her time in Parliament as an Independent. Since 2010, after 27 years as a Member of Parliament, Ms Short has been active in various organisations working on slum upgrading in the developing world; transparency in oil, gas and mining; African-led humanitarian action; destitute asylum-seekers in Birmingham; Trade Justice for the developing world; and for a just settlement of the Palestinian/ Israeli conflict.  In March 2011, she was elected Chairwoman of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative, and has been a member of the Advocacy Panel of Cities Alliance, an alliance of the World Bank, UN-HABITAT, local government and development partners committed to meeting the UN target to develop cities without slums since 2006 .

Fighting Poverty and Corruption – 3 December 2013

Nicholas Colloff

Oxford Policy Management, Oxford
A presentation by serial entrepreneur Nicholas Colloff, a member of the senior management team at Oxfam GB and a Trustee of Transparency International. Previously, Nicholas was Oxfam GB’s Country Director in Russia, where the programme focused domestically on urban livelihood and access to basic services, and internationally, on Russia’s resumed global role as donor and climate change actor. He has also been involved in launching a new SME impact investment fund; a partnership between Oxfam and Swiss-based company Symbiotics, aiming to tackle poverty by providing SME finance in the global South and addressing the dichotomy between big winners and small losers.

Resource Revolution: Can the World Cope? – 20 September 2012

med_th_Fraser_ThompsonMcKinsey Global Institute London
A presentation by Dr. Fraser Thompson, a senior fellow at the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), the business and economics research arm of McKinsey. Dr. Thompson leads research on sustainable development and natural resource economics globally, as well as productivity and growth issues in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.

AFRICA: What’s happening? – 22 November 2011

Darius Mans

World Bank London Office, Millbank Tower
A lunch time talk to hear former Director of the World Bank Institute (WBI) Darius Mans talk about his new role as President of Africare, a private charitable organization with more than 200 programmes reaching families and communities in every region of Sub-Saharan Africa.

2010 Christmas Reunion